"Smoke and wind and fire are all things you can feel but can't touch. Memories and dreams are like that too. They're what this world is made up of. There's really only a very short time that we get hair and teeth and put on red cloth and have bones and skin and look out eyes. Not for long. Some folks longer than others. If you're lucky, you'll get to be the one who tells the story: how the eyes have seen, the hair has blown, the caress the skin has felt, how the bones have ached.
"What the human heart is like, " he said.
"How the devil called and we did not answer.
"How we answered."

from The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon

Thursday, May 31, 2012



"I sit at my desk.
What can I write to you?
Sick with love,
I love to see you in the flesh.
I can write only,
"I love you.  I love you.  I love you."

Love cuts through my heart
and tears my vitals.
Spasms of longing suffocate me
and will not stop.


You wake me,
Part my thighs, kiss me.
I give you the dew
Of the first morning of the world.


Let us sleep together here tonight.
Tomorrow, who knows where we will sleep?
Maybe tomorrow we will lie in the fields,
Our heads on the rocks.


I scream as you bite
my nipples, and orgasm
drains my body, as if I had
been cut in two.


I am sad this morning.
The fog was so dense,
I could not see your shadow
as you passed my shoji.


Some day six inches of
ashes will be all
that's left of our passionate minds,
of all the world created
by our love, its origin
and passing away.


I hold your head tight between
my thighs, and float away
forever, in an orchid
boat on the River of Heaven."

translated by K. Rexroth, 1978ish

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